Oh yes, it’s time to dust off your W.I.P. (work in progress) pile, climb that yarny mountain and take control of your projects. This summer I am having a Frog or Finish thread over on Ravelry and it has some pretty nifty prizes for those who play along. How do I play along I hear you ask, well read on fellow crafters:


  1. Tag your projects on Ravelry as #CottageSummerWIP 
  2. Post in the no chat FO thread showing your wip and then your frogged or finished FO.  (There is a chat thread here)
  3. Must post before September 1st 2018!


Photo by Garden Witch Designs


To encourage you to tackle those wips and, let’s be honest I need support here too, there are:

  1. A beautiful handmade shawl pin by Garden Witch Designs aka the wonderful Jane. Pictured above.
  2. Not one but two skeins of indie yarn which I will flash pictures of over on Instagram.



That’s it, simple as. Take control of your wips and if you are posting on social us the tag #cottagenotebook /@cottagenotebook so I can find you and play along.

I might be a while tracking down all my wips and filling in my journal :/ For those who will want to know my journal is a dot grid, Lemome 125gsm A5 notebook. The pens are Mildliners and a Tombow brush pen. The terrible doodles are all me 😉

See you Saturday for a garden update!

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