This Six on Saturday is going to be short and sweet. After 8 years, we lost our bunny Berry this morning. All the images for this week are unedited and as shot and are a snapshot of what is happening in the garden right now.
- Yes, the dahlias are starting to open and display their magnificent flowers.
2. This is in time with the bedding lobelia so they can complement each other. The bees are having a ball in my garden at the moment.
3. The last rose bush has finally opened and the scent is divine.
4. The lilies are in bloom and I just love their dark colour against the cream tips.
5. I didn’t realise that poppies can produce two flower heads from the same stem so I am currently getting a second flush of those black peony poppies I love so much.
6. I guess it’s fair to say that this water shortage is taking its toll on our lawn. Everything is dry and stressed. I’m hoping for rain soon.
And as I said that’s my six for today. I’ll leave you with this image of Berry in the garden. Hop on little one. We love you.
Do make sure that you pop over to The Propagator ‘s page to check out more wonderful gardening posts and why not search the #sixonsaturday tag on twitter too to fill your feed with beautiful blooms. There is also a participant guide here if you would like to join in too. Looking forward to catching up with all f your garden posts this week too!
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