It’s funny to be saying goodbye to July when it feels like my garden is just coming alive after the rain. Apparently, we are in for some gloomy weather ahead which makes me worried about blight. This week in the garden has just been maintenance. I haven’t sown anything or really been out there to enjoy what pleasures are unfolding. So I took a stroll and captured what looks good right now:



This is a rare occurrence and I’m so happy because the apple harvest is going to be terrible.  This year we have peaches and they are outdoors! Normally we get malformed peaches and are battling peach leaf curl but not this year. The weather has been so hot and dry that this little patio tree is having the time of its life! They are almost ready for harvest and I am so excited. Stay tuned for it because I’m going to record this one.



These beautiful lilies have been planted a little too deep by Mr. Notebook but they always make me smile. These are the lilies from our wedding and I have just divided them in the back bed because they were getting too big for their container. They are perfect in between the bedding plants and were supposed to add a little bit of height at the front of the border…er….next year maybe 🙂 Is anyone else PLAGUED by flies? I just can’t take it and there was no way of taking this without one in the shot.



The roses are doing well here and as I always do close up or macro shots I thought I would show you the full beauty of this little lady. No matter how hard I cut her back she rewards us with bountiful flowers right through the first frost. This rose is inherited and is a floribunda so I can’t tell you her name but I wish I could capture the scent and share it with you because it is divine!





I was late in planting these guys and after much debating about where we could plant sunflowers, we opted for making some patio containers of them using a dwarf variety that Mr. Notebook came home with. He loves sunflowers and who can blame him but knowing how they drain the soil I was unsure where we could plant them. These are just for him and they do make him smile so maybe next year I’ll get some giants for the new back bed. They would get on with the dahlias, wouldn’t they?






Behold the might dahlia! They are still the reason I smile when I look out my office window so I have to include them again. However, they are being eaten on the petals and then one plant is having a tough time by I think some snails that I need to find. Yes, I could have deadheaded the dahlia before taking the picture but then I’d be lying and sure how many of you went to touch the screen to deadhead it? The dahlia in the pictures are top: Nuit D’ete,  bottom left: Fleurel,   bottom right: Blackberry Ripple. My Ferncliff Illusion as yet to open and I really want to see those purple-tinged petals :/





You know summer is getting on when these start to show their flower blooms and this one is rather mad at me. I moved her from a beautiful terracotta pot into a new wooded bed beside the greenhouse so that I could enjoy her blooms on a daily basis. I thought she would be happy getting dappled strong afternoon sun and full morning light but I’m unsure, I think she is working on her roots this year.  I like to move flowers that are fleeting to areas that I walk by every day so I know I can capture them. I’m behind some of you as I have seen your gorgeous open blooms on Twitter. I wasn’t jealous…..not one little bit.


That’s it from me this week. I hope you all are enjoying being outdoors and dancing in the rain. (I don’t joke I’ve seen fellow gardeners singing and happily moving about in the showers). Do make sure that you pop over to The Propagator ‘s page to check out more wonderful gardening posts and why not search the #sixonsaturday tag on twitter too to fill your feed with beautiful blooms. There is also a participant guide here if you would like to join in too. Looking forward to catching up with all f your garden posts this week too!

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