It’s Saturday so it’s time for…dun dun duuuuuuun… Six on Saturday! The cottage garden is turning over and there is much to celebrate here at the moment. Everything is slowing down and we are all trying to enjoy those last bursts of autumn sunshine before the cold creeps in. Today’s six is all about celebrating what’s good in the garden, from harvests to blooms and delicate seedheads dancing in the autumnal breeze. I hope you all enjoy!



I can not believe we are still having harvests but these appear to have found a second life. They are starting to come down with mildew though so they will be pulled soon.  During the extreme heat there was nothing but then all of a sudden they went into overdrive and now we can’t keep up with them.

Beetroot / Greenhouse

Well, okay, this is a photo of beetroot leaves in my sink but they were just so delicious looking I had to snap them.  I guess this post is more of a way of celebrating harvests because we have had many a meal from this greenhouse and I think it deserves a place in my six. Does anyone love those colourful stalks as much as I do? 


I really do not give this shrub enough credit. It has been looking fantastic this year and at the moment it’s delicate flowers are dancing in the sunlight and slight breeze. It is actually worth giving it the time to prune properly because this year the growth and flowers have been amazing. 

Seed Heads

Can we take a moment to just celebrate those beautiful seed heads appearing in our gardens and hedgerows? As much as I adore colour there is something beautiful about the delicate pods dancing in the breeze. I have been collecting seed heads not only to spread the flower around my garden but to make little autumnal displays a way to bring the outdoors in that soothes my crafty soul. 


The last of the bedding plants are giving a burst of autumnal colour to the beds.  My garden is a sea of falling leaves and green with little pops of colour from these beautiful marigolds and then some snapdragons adding their petals to the last hurrah before winter arrives. 

Fatsia  (Fake Castor Oil)

The reason this is here is for Mr. Propagator himself.  I realised that in my posts I tend to neglect the mature plants in my garden mostly because I neglect them. This fatsia is beautiful and lends evergreen colour to just outside the conservatory making you think that as you stand there the garden is always full and green and lush.  We had to severely reduce it’s size over 3 years so that we could open our conservatory doors. (we bought the house that way, I didn’t allow the monster to get that big. Also this guy is hiding a rather large green water butt with it’s leaves. It does get attacked by leaf spot (my guess is due to overcrowding in my garden) but as long as you stay on top of it they are beautiful plants that really shine when everything else is sleeping. 

That’s it from me this week. I hope you are all out enjoying the good weather here this weekend. We will be elf hunting in the trees but more on that next week!

Thank you for joining me, it really means so much to me to be able to share the cottage garden with all of you. Do make sure that you pop over to The Propagator ‘s page to check out more wonderful gardening posts and why not search the #sixonsaturday tag on twitter too to fill your feed with beautiful blooms. There is also a participant guide here if you would like to join in too. Looking forward to catching up with all of your garden posts this week too!

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