It’s a cold, wet windy day here. Pretty miserable when you look out at it but I ventured out to show you what is looking fantastic in the rain after Storm Callum. Once out there I replanted some chrysanthemums, potted on a few pansies and planted a pack of bulbs so I guess it’s warmer that I thought. 

Today the garden is looking very pink like it’s blushing at the terrible job I have done in taking care of it this year. Do you ever feel like your garden is mocking you because for me that is how it feels at the moment? I hope you enjoy today’s six and I’m looking forward to seeing what you all have been up to. 


These guys are still going strong from a late sowing so I will definitely do this again next year. I know that some frost is forecast for next week so I know these will disappear pretty soon because of that I am soaking up their delicate beauty as much as I can. 

Rose – Silver Jubilee

This is the one with a story this week. This rose is as close I could find to the hybrid tea rose that was planted either side of my house growing up.  I didn’t get to take a cutting before the house passed on and they were removed so as soon as I saw this in the Ratoath garden centre I picked it up hugged it and didn’t put it down. Yes, I hugged a plant, it felt like hugging home. This specimen though is in need of care. This has black fly, rust, spot, greenfly and is in need of TLC so I will be treating this rose as a baby until she is firmly in her new spot but for now, she is away from the rest of my roses.


These will be finishing soon too but my house is covered in dahlias from the garden as I cut them before the storm ripped through here. I’m enjoying the enormous blooms and delicate scent and I have been planning for 2019 and browsing some catalogues. More on that next week! 


These guys are really coming into their own now as the colder air is setting in. I just love their happy faces and I can’t imagine a cottage garden without them. 


These are a new addition to the garden this year and I really love them. I will definitely sow some next year. I just bought a tester batch of 6 this year to see how they would fair in the front and back gardens and they are looking fantastic. They are a plant that I have killed in the past in other properties so I am very surprised they seem to like it here. I think I’m going to look into different varieties though. 

There you have it folks, another week in the cottage garden and another 6 plants that deserve a highlight good or bad. Looking forward to your posts and seeing what’s happening in your gardens around the world. 

Do make sure that you pop over to The Propagator ‘s page to check out more wonderful gardening posts and why not search the #sixonsaturday tag on twitter too to fill your feed with beautiful blooms. There is also a participant guide here if you would like to join in too. Looking forward to catching up with all of your garden posts this week too!

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