With all of the rain last weekend it’s no surprise that we ended up working on the plants for inside the cottage. Have you ever looked at indoor large terrariums/glass planting and fell in love but hated the price tags? Well one trip to Johnstown Garden Center and a stop in IKEA before coming home meant we had two brand new planters for less than 30 euro….cough.. then I changed my mind and swapped out a succulent for a mature gardenia and the price increases so let’s have a look at them separately:
Succulent Planter
It’s hard to believe but this cost less than 15 euro. The glass lantern is from IKEA POMP range and the large is 9 euro and the smaller is 3.
While IKEA does have succulents they are on the small side and I wanted a specific colour and kind so I picked up this beautiful Echeveria at Johnstown Garden Center for 5 euro. The stones are from our gravel path and the pea gravel is from the unused fish tank. Both were washed first don’t worry. The great thing about these planters is that you can see the soil and how dry or wet it is. Just make sure you never add enough water to hit the bottom of the stones.
Gardenia Planter
The second planter is more for height. After moving many things around I finally settled on this Gardenia Jasminoides or cape jasmine. It isn’t on the website but I fell over it while looking for some indoor jasmine. It’s just ready for blooming and makes a handsome planter if you ask me.
Before you send in loads of comments about how gardenias are unsuited to this you should know that where the gardenia is situated is humid and just off a conservatory and it gets lots of indirect light with a low-temperature drop at night. It also has a dish of water hidden at it’s back.
This planter is a little more costly as the plat is 25 euro and the lantern is 9 so almost double the price at 34 euro but still a fraction of the price if you were looking to by planters of this type.
This was my first visit to Johnstown Garden Center and it won’t be my last. They have such a wide range of plants combined with knowledgeable staff that it’s easy to purchase the right plant for you. I may have come home with a new indoor garden but I’m going to make you wait until Saturday for this weeks garden post to introduce you 😉