This is part of my NaNoWriMo Series.
This is a very difficult post to write. I was unsure when I started NaNoWriMo of just where it all would lead. I never expected to have the first draft of a novel written but here I am, November 30th and I have 35,002 words in my manuscript. It’s not the required 50K to ‘win’ NaNo but I feel like I did. Writing a memoir is difficult, especially one that hits so close to home and raises issues I didn’t realise I had. This project needs a little more time to percolate and for me to work through certain chapters before I finish it
What NaNoWriMo did for me was something much greater than a novel. It opened the door to a whole new world around me, new friends, reacquainted me with old friends I had lost touch with and allowed me to get in contact with fellow writers around the world. In thirty days I have gone from being too scared to say “I’m a writer” to sending some short stories out into the world. I played with different genres and found a writing style I am comfortable with. It also brought great stress and endless laughter to my life during a very turbulent November.
It’s with deep sadness that I close my notebook on this project for a while. From the bottom of my heart, I really want to say Thank You to everyone who helped or supported me on my NaNo journey. It’s been quite a ride, I only wish I was able to engage more. You can take it that I won’t be renovating my home during November next year, so I am determined to hit the 50K win in 2018. Congratulations to everyone who is flying a NaNo win certificate today, you deserve a long, long rest after a glass of something sparkly.
In my book (pun intended) anyone who got words down on a page this November is a winner. The whole process of figuring out where in your day you can write about what matters to you instead of what is required is vitally important. Those stories you dream about, they need to be told and the only person who can tell them is you. I’ll see you on Twitter tomorrow, I’ll be working on finishing a creative short story and I’m there for anyone who would like a word sprint, just tag me in a post!
I hope you enjoy this November series based on ‘M’ and you never know I may end up posting some short stories here in the future.