Are you looking to deregister your Kindle? Perhaps you’re wondering what happens to your books if you deregister your Kindle, or how to deregister a lost Kindle. Whatever your reason, you should be able to find your answer in this post. If not, let me know in...
When it comes to sharing Kindle books, it can be a bit of a hassle. Now I’m not saying you should share your reads with family, but if you want to, then here are some steps that you can follow so you can make some popcorn, sit back, and watch their face as they...
I'm a writer, blogger, book dragon and long time journal lover. I create journal prompts and guides to help you explore your journals and fall in love with yourself through writing.
You! You're here, and that's something to celebrate. You'll find journal inspiration, book reviews and some lifestyle posts. I hope you enjoy your time here.